high level dialogue for a globalised world

Message from the CEO

Welcome to AECA (The American European Community Association), firmly established at the heart of the European Union as an independent, non-partisan and non-profit International Association. Through its exclusive programme of high-level roundtable meetings, AECA aims to promote better understanding and mutual cooperation in a challenging globalised world. To achieve its mission, AECA greatly benefits from the prestige and support provided by the distinguished members of its Board of Directors and International Advisory Council. AECA is neither a think tank nor a lobbying force. We remain however committed to providing our members with unique opportunities to engage in meaningful, high-level and informed dialogue that contributes to real outcomes for a better world. We look forward to welcoming you soon to one of our upcoming events.

Christophe de Callataÿ, Chief Executive Officer


The mission of the American European Community Association (AECA) is to promote and facilitate international cooperation and understanding through TransAtlantic dialogue.

Founded as an independent, non-partisan, non-profit international association, AECA provides a neutral forum in Brussels, the political capital of Europe, for senior members of the international business, political, government and diplomatic communities.

Through high level dialogue, AECA aims to provide its members with unique opportunities to engage in meaningful debates on a wide range of policy issues that contribute to real outcome for a better world.

Jean-Claude Juncker,
President of the European Commission
“The relationship between the European Union and the United States provides political stability and economic progress. A continuous debate between the two partners, to safeguard this partnership, is of critical importance to the interest of our citizens and the global community. AECA provides a unique platform for such debate. I therefore welcome and strongly support the work of AECA.”
H.E. Anthony L. Gardner,
Honorary Ambassador of the United States to the EU
“Both in my capacity as a U.S. official and having lived many years as a private American citizen in Europe, I know first-hand the important role AECA plays in advancing transatlantic relations. By bringing together Americans and Europeans from different backgrounds and fields of expertise, you build bridges between our continents and further understanding between the peoples of the United States and Europe.”