high level dialogue for a globalised world


AECA in Brussels is an established and trusted high-level forum where senior business leaders and policy-makers meet together to examine and discuss issues and challenges of common interest and concern. At the heart of AECA activities is the programme of round-table debates. The number attending each event is restricted to the number that can be seated around one table. This format for the meetings allows for an intensely focused and highly interactive exchange of views between the speaker and participants. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule (*) to provide anonymity to speakers and encourage openness and the sharing of information. These conditions allow for uniquely open and frank discussions between senior members of the business, political, government, diplomatic and academic communities, that lead to constructive and effective outcomes, creating added value for all involved.
The annual AECA Reception is regarded as one of the landmark networking events in the capital of Europe. Twice a year, at the time of the change of the rotating Presidency of the EU Council, AECA organises a key round-table meeting at which the incoming Head of Coreper presents the priorities of the Presidency for the coming six months.
The AECA programme is a work in progress, many events being scheduled at relatively short notice to ensure topical relevance, and to anticipate and preview new issues and trends as they arise. The involvement of members and benefactors is important to AECA, and they are encouraged to share their ideas and wishes regarding themes and speakers. (*) When a meeting is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.

Recent speakers for AECA

Anthony AGOTHA

Member of Cabinet of EVP Frans Timmermans


EPP Coordinator and Rapporteur on the AI Act

Celine GAUER

Director General & Head of Task Force RECOVER

Despina SPANOU

Head of Cabinet of Commission VP Schinas

Dr. Andreas SCHWAB MEP

Lead Rapporteur on the Digital Markets Act


Director General, DG Environment

Gerassimos THOMAS

Director General, DG TAXUD

Gordon B. DAVIS Jr.

Major General, U.S. Army Retired

H.E. Caroline MILLAR

Ambassador to the EU and NATO, Belgium and Luxembourg

H.E. Edita HRDÁ

Permanent Rep. of the Czech Republic to the EU

H.E. João

EU Permanent Representative to the WTO


U.S. Ambassador to the EU

H.E. Mr. Mark

Ambassador, U.S. Mission to the EU


Chairman of the Board of Directors, ENGIE

Maive RUTE

Deputy Director General, DG GROW

Marco BUTI

Head of Cabinet, Commissioner for Economy


Deputy Director General, DG Energy


Director General, DG Competition


Former EU Commissioner for Trade & for Agriculture


Director General, DG Health & Food Safety


Director General, DG Defence Industry and Space